Museums For Future
Culture Demanding Climate Action
Global Climate Strike
Take to the streets for the climate 🌍✊ It's going to be loud, it's going to be big, it's going to be rousing. The next Fridays For Future global climate strike is coming up on September 20! Together we are stronger - so bring your friends, work colleagues and family 🤝! All information soon on

Auf die Straße fürs Klima 🌍✊ Es wird laut, es wird groß, es wird mitreißend. Der nächste Globale Klimastreik von Fridays For Future steht am 20.9. an! Gemeinsam sind wir stärker - also bring Freund:innen, Arbeitskolleg:innen und Familie mit 🤝! Alle Infos bald auf

We love to see you are interested in getting to know Museums For Future!

We have prepared this short 20-minute introduction video to answer your most important questions:

  • What is Museums For Future?
  • Why do we need Museums For Future?
  • What are MFFs goals?
  • What are the local MFF chapters?

Grab a cup of tea and watch the video to meet some of our fantastic volunteers from Austria, Germany and Türkiye.

You have more questions? We got you - just head to the FAQ section.

You want to stay updated? No problem - sign up for our newsletter below.

You want to start to take action? Yeah, we love to hear that - here are some inspirations to take action!

You want to volunteer at MFF? YES YES YES - join us here.

You want your institution to become a Museums For Future? That is amazing - join us and we will be in touch soon.

Start taking action now!
3 actions to support Fridays For Futures
Go on #ArtStrike, put an object on strike.
Welcome strikers in your museum.
Stop accepting money from fossil fuel companies.